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作者: 时间:2019-10-25 点击数:

报告题目:StochasticStabilization and Destabilization of Nonlinear

and Time-varyingHybrid Systems by Noise

报告人:赵学艳 副教授/华南理必赢565net官网学

报告时间:20191028(周一)上午 10:30





赵学艳,华南理必赢565net官网学自动化科学与工程学院副教授,2014年获得华南理必赢565net官网学博士学位,20188-20198月澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学访问学者。近年来,主要从事复杂随机系统的控制理论研究,先后主持国家级和省部级等项目7项,在 IEEE Transactions Automatic Control,Automatica等期刊发表 SCI 论文20余篇,曾获得2016年中国自动化学会优秀博士学位论文奖。


This talk concerns with stochasticstabilization and destabilization of nonlinear and time-varying hybrid systems.In this talk, a suitable functionis designed such that the corresponding Wienernoise perturbationeither stabilizes or destabilizes a given nonlinear andtime-varying hybrid systemwith a Markov jump parameter. The correspondingperturbed system is a nonlinear and time-varying hybrid Itô stochasticdifferential system. To this end, the basic properties, including the existenceand uniqueness of the local and global solutions and the non-zero property ofsolutions of the nonlinear and time-varying hybrid stochastic systems, arefirstly investigated as the theoretical basis of the paper. Secondly, twotheorems and the corresponding corollaries on the stability and instability ofthe hybrid stochastic systems are established. Thirdly, the design method forfunctionis then proposed based on the established theorems. Finally, weillustrate our method using two examples.

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